Thursday, September 18, 2008

Free Food

Free food is what every college student looks for.  Companies love to get their name out and one of the most effective way of doing that is to give free stuff, especially food.  There are many places on campus during many times of the school year that will have free food, but it seems that the most likely time and place to get it is the Tanner and Wilkenson Center during the start of the Fall semester.

Many companies will have information sessions to draw in potentional employees and there is almost always food.  For the most part, anyone is invited to go to the sessions.  The sessions are usually entertaining and very informative so go for the food and stay for the information (also the food is usually at the end).


  1. Information sessions kept me alive last year. Right around the time of the technical career fair and the normal career fair information sessions abound. There are more than you can go to. If you want to get updates of locations look on the career center website or join a club like

  2. I think best company was Apple last year. They bought the good stuff (Brick Oven). I've never seen pizza eaten so fast!

  3. I love free food, but I hate huge lines!!! As Frank Sinatra song goes, "They go together like a horse and carriage." If you're planning on getting free food at Brigham Square, right in front of the Wilk for you all-knowing freshman, be ready to wait for a long time. I once waited for 15 minutes to get the smallest hot dog I've ever see in my life. At times like those, I'd rather go into the CougarEat spend some money and actually eat something that would fill me up. I mean seriously how cheap can you get?

    On the other hand there are these so called Information Sessions. There is nothing that ticks me off more than freeloaders. And they are usually the Peter Priesthood type of guys at BYU... Do you have any interest whatsoever in the company? Are you there just for the food? Please guys, do yourself a favor and spend less money on all that useless junk that you probably have and spend some money on FOOD!
