Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ice Blocking at Rock Canyon

Whoever thought about going to the store, buying a chunk of ice, finding a huge hill, sitting on the ice chunk, and flying down the hill at unsafe speeds was really on to something!  Its a good workout and a lot of fun!  One of the hardest parts about ice blocking is finding a hill that will threaten your life.  No worries, I've done the hard work  for you.

Rock Canyon park has a ton of huge hills that are a pretty good length so that the ride isn't over before it starts.  The hill on the south side is probably the longest, but doesn't have a very good landing.  The east hill is nice too, but once again has a black top path at the very bottom.  The path obstacle can be a lot of fun for the advanced rider, but if your a beginner or one a date, the far west hill (not the one that slopes into the main bowl, but the one that faces the road) is the best.  It isn't as long as the other hills, but its still a nice ride.

A word to the wise, bring a towel for each ice block that you have.  Sitting on a towel will keep your butt warm and relatively dry.

Ice blocking games:

  • The traditional race down the hill

  • Who can go the farthest

  • Sitting on the lap of the rider (this one can be dangerous)

  • Who can spin the most

  • Who can run up the hill the fastest

Have a lot of fun and be safe!  Remember, if you fall off the block, cover your head because the ice block will probably be following you down the hill!


  1. The best time to go is right after a good rain. You won't say really dry, but it's a load of fun.

  2. I remember doing this with the scouts. For some reason, we could never stay on the little beasts.
